As you can see I'm not the only one sending this message! Others, too are complaining, even as grand plans are being made to show art work in the airport, this place is just not attractive to tourists anymore. When will our leaders, the MVA, and the comminity deciede something needs to be done to rectify this mess? Do we have to wait until there are NO more tourists to wake up? or is it wait until someone ELSE comes here and does it for us? This seems to be the trend nowdays letting others come here do the things we can't seem to do on our own. Maybe an outbreak of rabies would bring Federal health officials to stop the blatent disregard for unfettered dogs and unsanitary pollution. READ THIS LETTER........If I Were a Tourist: I CANT help but replay the words of the governor to the U.S. House subcommittee — the commonwealth’s primary industry is tourism. Well, if I were a tourist visiting Saipan this weekend, I would have,
As you can see I'm not the only one sending this message! Others, too are complaining, even as grand plans are being made to show art work in the airport, this place is just not attractive to tourists anymore. When will our leaders, the MVA, and the comminity deciede something needs to be done to rectify this mess? Do we have to wait until there are NO more tourists to wake up? or is it wait until someone ELSE comes here and does it for us? This seems to be the trend nowdays letting others come here do the things we can't seem to do on our own. Maybe an outbreak of rabies would bring Federal health officials to stop the blatent disregard for unfettered dogs and unsanitary pollution. READ THIS LETTER........If I Were a Tourist: I CANT help but replay the words of the governor to the U.S. House subcommittee — the commonwealth’s primary industry is tourism. Well, if I were a tourist visiting Saipan this weekend, I would have,
• Picked up 33 pieces of trash during a hike. Mind you, none of the trash was mine;
• Saw and tried to feed an emaciated dog with a collar embedded in his neck.
• Saw and tried to feed an emaciated dog with a collar embedded in his neck.
• Tried to enjoy myself at Paupau but was approached by three starving puppies.
- Noticed one pregnant female (dog) trotting around Pau Pau, in addition to numerous other adult dogs in the area;
• Witnessed several large barbeque parties at Sugar Dock, but then I noticed the line of juice boxes, beer and soda cans, and styrofoam bobbing in the water along the shoreline only a few feet from the family barbeques;
• Witnessed a small boat pick up three spear fisherman in the conservation zone just off of Managaha on Saturday.
• Witnessed one commercial boat openly fish in the conservation area on Sunday.
Wow, what a memorable weekend. I’ll be sure to tell of my friends about this place. Maybe they too would like to spend $1,200 on an airplane ticket to experience the wonders of third world America.
Papago, Saipan
Are ya'll getting the message yet? You have been informed again, though I will not rest my case. .....GED.....
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