Saturday, October 27, 2007


Austin, Texas, the place was..
The Branding Iron
It was Thanksgiving day, our job was for all practical purposes, complete and I had only a small handful of workers left to put some finishing touches on the job. So I decided to take all the guys (8 of them) out for lunch to a smorgasbord type of place. This place always had a huge spread of all kinds of food for lunch, a great place for a hungry bunch of working guys to dig in, and pig out.
Well being a holiday it turned out we were the only customers in the place and were enjoying our lunch when 3 more people came in, two men and a women, and sat down at a table right beside us. A quick glance turned into a ' hey, do you see who that is?' It was Willie Nelson, his wife and his drummer named Paul. Now you remember I told you it was a smorgasbord kind of place where you get only self served food, there is no ordering or waitresses, but there were servers who kept the food supplied at the counter. Seeing the group still sitting and not waiting on themselves a server ask then what they wanted, and Willie said they wanted breakfast, steak and eggs, to which the server replied that they had to choose from the available food already placed out and they didn't serve steak and eggs.
Here we had a chance to have a Thanksgiving lunch with Willie Nelson and company, and the restaurant wouldn't serve them eggs. Man were we bummed out when they got up and left. The consensus among us at the table was, they really should have made some eggs for the guy, couldn't they even just make some eggs? It's not every day a guy gets to have lunch with Willie and they wouldn't even make 'um eggs. Bummer! Just a few eggs.

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