Monday, October 22, 2007


So what does this government do? Start trying to meddle with, question and change the rules.... something that should have all been done right up front.
Here is something the CNMI badly needs, a new flow of investment monies. This company is expanding air services to the island, building new tourist accommodations and expanding an existing golf course. Now the legislature wants to throw a monkey wrench in the cog wheel of progress. Isn't it a little late to be doing this now, after the fact? Another business getting politically ramrodded by numbnuts who just can't seem to get their shit together when the deals are being done. Now they want to come in the backdoor and start doing what should have been done on the front side. Businesses surely must be getting tired of incompetent government interference... Read the story and you decide for yourselves, as I'm not too well versed on the status of all these deals...
Legislature questions 40-year new lease for Saipan Laulau
THE House of Representatives and the Senate are questioning the Department of Public Lands about the request by Saipan Laulau Development Inc. for a 40-year lease on the public property where a golf-course and future villas will be situated. The parent company of Asiana Airlines, Kumho, acquired Saipan Laulau from UMDA early this year. The investor plans to build dozens of villas on the property at a cost of $70 million. It wants to see the area turned into a first class resort and golf course... The Story Here ..You must read the article to follow and understand my ranting...
Now the political interference takes over, creating stumbling blocks for the very thing they are crying so loudly for. Why doesn't one hand of the government know what the other hand is doing? Why is the investor always put in the awkward position of being in the middle of all the confusion created by different government agencies?
Now before everyone gets their bowels in an uproar let me clarify one thing. I am NOT questioning any rules and regulations that are of legitimate and proper concerns that need to be followed, but only the timing, confusion and method of handling these matters. All of these concerns being brought forth now should have all been fully cleared up and understood when the first and final arrangements were made. Now is to late to start wondering what was done, after the fact. Well I guess that's how business is handled by this government.. Oh well....


Lil' Hammerhead said...

You are right on Glen. I read this in the paper this morning and thought the exact same thing. LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE. The legislature makes laws, they've produced 100 of them already in this cycle.. stick to that and leave investors alone. If they violate a law, that's what the courts are for.

What the hell is wrong with this legislature? I just can't figure it out. I wish they would just go home already. Collect their paychecks.. who cares, just stay home.

Anonymous said...

My guess. They want to be seen to be involved, make a bunch of noise, act so very very important, and then do nothing. That way they were seen to be "investigating" before it gets through so that people don't think they were not paying attention. What a waste of good air!

glend558 said...

Just a way to justify their existence, I guess...