You would think he'd come to his senses some time or other, sooner or later, but no, not Stanley TLC Torres, this guy as long as you keep him in office he will continue to be an idiot.
We addressed this issue not to long ago (8/29/07) but 'here we go again.' Same old song, every time things don't go his way, just like a five year old running away from home!
We addressed this issue not to long ago (8/29/07) but 'here we go again.' Same old song, every time things don't go his way, just like a five year old running away from home!
Introduced by Rep. Stanley Torres, H.B. 15-146 states that “the people [of the CNMI] desire to reexamine whether continuing in a 'commonwealth' relationship with the United States pursuant to the terms of the Covenant is in their best interest, or whether some other political status will better enable them to fulfill their aspirations of full and meaningful self-government.”
Your H.B. 15-146 states 'the people of the CNMI desire'... Where the hell did you get that idea, at the public hearing you recently held, or was it from the survey you distributed for everyone to fill out and reply to? Or was it lots of E-Mails, faxes and phone calls?
Here are two articles I wrote the last time, take a look...
Post #528 THE COUNTRY OF....
Now today we are again selecting a committee to look into the possible secession from the USA.
Here are two articles I wrote the last time, take a look...
Post #528 THE COUNTRY OF....
Now today we are again selecting a committee to look into the possible secession from the USA.
This time I'll say go for it! Why the hell should the US keep giving large sums of money and all other kinds of support to your whiny little ass anyway?
Go ahead I DARE YOU! GO on Stanley, JUMP, Come on chicken shit, I dare you, JUMP!
Come on smart guy pass the bill to be alone out here in the middle of nowhere, or shut the fuck up... One or the other!
Read the other posts for details.. That's all...
Read the other posts for details.. That's all...
PS.. This is personally meant for the idiot Torres. In no way am I referring to all the good, decent, kind and friendly people living and working here or my fellow US citizens...
I'm sure this will serve to help "stabilize" our economic situation. Imagine yourself as an investor right now watching these shenanigans.
Kinda makes you wanna come right on in and plop down a couple $100 million don't it?
When the common folk realize Stanley wants them all to give up their Blue Passports, they will be pretty pissed off!
Stanley, Your villaged called. They want their idiot back.
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