Here they go, so never mind...
House OKs Saipan gaming bill
THE House yesterday passed a measure allowing some card games and video lottery activities on Saipan, a month after island voters rejected a casino initiative.
THE House yesterday passed a measure allowing some card games and video lottery activities on Saipan, a month after island voters rejected a casino initiative.
So why even bother voting? Was it an exercise in futility, or a teasing of the peons to make then feel important, you know a feel good feeling, then get the hell out of their way.
That having been said, let me clear the air on this issue. While I'm not against this idea of having a Texas hold-em etc. at the La Fiesta and recognize that a stimulus is needed for the economy, it is rather brazen to put it into place in this manner. It seems to me as being force fed. Well I will rest on this issue and see what comes out of the effort. I do hope it is the right decision and turns out to be successful, although I have my doubts about them finding an investor willing to even invest here with this shaky knee-jerk controlled government. Hell all the rules could completely change with the next election. This would be the reason to have the laws made by the peoples referendum then a slap down law passed by lawmakers that may not be in office next term...
Of all the laws passed by the legislature I will venture to guess more than half or a majority get amended, changed or revised in some way shape or form. Just a guess, kinda like a CUC deposit, a number grabbed out of the thin air. Not good for investors to count on though, I wouldn't... That's all...
This well never get through the Senate. Tinian and Rota both have legalized gambling, why would they vote to legalize it on Saipan?
My bet is a 2-7 vote in the Senate.
We all know from the good ol' days of Abramoff that all it takes to get the Senators from Tinian and Rota to vote a certain way is the right dollar amount (the price for speakership for mr. fitial was a few bucks under the table and a ton of federal money pushed their way). We also know that those pushing this bill through the legislature have ample funding to make it so.
Enough with your "this will never happen" mentality. If you don't agree with what is being done speak out and say so and stop banking on other people to do what your all-knowing self believe will happen.
Boycott Porky's!
Can you or someone you know get me a copy of the proposed bill... we've been contacted by an investor who wants to get involved in the La Fiesta thing and they want our help with the feasibility study... much appreciated.
Jonas, I'll look into it for you and respond by E-Mail. I'll be in touch...
Here is the gaming bill.
This gameing bill is HB 15-322..
I checked the list only goes to
HB 320....
If you have the HB 322 e-mail it to me.... glendout@yahoo.com
We'll keep looking. I have another feeler out...
This hasn't gone thru the senate yet, maybe it won;t be listed unless passed...
Just emailed it to you. It can be downloaded by others at the link I posted. Just hard to find the "download file" link. It is about 2/3rd of the way down the page.
Boycott Porky's!
Thanks PP much appreciated.
Jonas: Let us know what your reasearch concludes about this issue. Should be interesting...
We're not doing anything yet... client has not engaged us. Initially they were waiting for the casino initiative to get passed so after that failed they backed off a bit... now they may or may not be interested - we'll see.
Jonas: FYI
The Rota casino act passed...
Saipan Blogger: I'm with you on the Senate vote, maybe not the number but on this non passing...
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