Due to a tax settlement with the US IRS tax system you might finally be getting your long overdue tax rebate.
There was $26 million sent to the CNMI in what they call 'cover-over funds.' I'll not try to explain this arrangement, but if you are owed an overdue refund/rebate you should be seeing some money in the mail soon.
Be very sure your current address is the same as the one that was on the tax forms when you filed them, if not, be sure to get your current address updated with finance (DOF) or they won't make it into your wallet.
What refreshing news for all who have been waiting so long for a little financial boost. Well here it is, Happy New Year!
However, how much of this $26 million actually reaches the wallets of the public is yet to be seen. This could be a tempting situation for the governor to frivolously spend an amount of these funds, I surely hope he sees fit to rebate them rather then to waste them.
I think, there is $32/$34 million owed in rebates so all won't be covered by this $26 million but it will pay a big chunk if dispersed for the right purposes, your rebates... And last but not least... Remember, never get in the position to have the government owe you again!
Happy New Year!
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