We ain't gonna take "IT" anymore!
I don't quiet understand this motto...
I don't quiet understand this motto...
Just what is "IT"? Is IT federal assistance, food stamps, guest workers holding down jobs, maybe IT'S people saying that you and TTT are KKK like. Could IT be the ridicule of your writing skills? Maybe IT'S a US passport, or freedoms to travel to the US. Just what is IT, the things you won't take anymore. I'm sure we can accommodate your wishes and make sure you aren't being forced fed IT. IT might be remedied with the definition of IT. Explain what IT is and you'll not get IT anymore.
Do you know what IT is? If you do, please let everyone know so these nice people won't have to suffer taking IT anymore. We must get to the bottom of this and make sure IT isn't ever given to them again. IT seems to be very important to them not to take IT so lets please stop giving IT to them, poor people having to take IT all the time.
So that's IT. I'll let IT go now and give IT a rest...
Do you know what IT is? If you do, please let everyone know so these nice people won't have to suffer taking IT anymore. We must get to the bottom of this and make sure IT isn't ever given to them again. IT seems to be very important to them not to take IT so lets please stop giving IT to them, poor people having to take IT all the time.
So that's IT. I'll let IT go now and give IT a rest...
Glen, Glen, Glen
"IT" is contract workers that "don't know their place." This idiocy has so many parallels to the civil rights movement of the '60s. The irony (or hypocrisy) is that Cinta and many of our other fine elected representatives turned out to march on MLK Day, when they didn't have to worry about taking a stand, or offending anyone, or exhibiting the slightest courage. They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.
Well I did mention guest workres...
maybe he can find "IT" on ebay...
Great post Glen!
I think the "it" they refer to is in line with anonymous comment number one - "it" represents anyone who's not Chamorro (They only concede to include Carolinians for some additional support. If it was up to them, they'd be gone to.)
Good Idea.
You must invite TaoTao Tano to make it a real unity fest.
Also no drinking should be allowed.
Describe what your idea of a 'fest' would consist of.
No Budweiser? Come on. Get real.
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