Post 849- EATING CROW:
The governor thinks that if he paints a dark and gloomy picture by offering false accusations against the Federal Government and insinuating a doomsday scenario, he will garner support. What he doesn't realize is we understand what he is saying and we can all can see that it's plain and simple bullshit. I believe he is the only one that sees it that way and has convinced himself it is so. This is a bitter sick man who feels his power and control slipping away and deeply resents it, I don't know why he says what he does, but that is how I see it...
The governor wants three bills passed, at first it was the Budget and the Unpaid Holiday bills. Now he has added the gaming bill into the mix. Therefore he is now holding 400 govt. employees hostage to get his demands and force the hand to go his way. He probably could get the budget and unpaid holiday bills passed so the jobs wouldn't be lost, as before, when he demanded austerity Fridays. However, throwing the gaming bill into the fray will be a big problem for the Senate and it will be the reason the job losses will happen. They will call his bluff and the employees will be the losers. Lets not forget, the governor was extremely late in submitting the budget bill, so all the blame cannot be placed solely on the legislature, both are procrastinators and equally at fault.
The governor thinks that if he paints a dark and gloomy picture by offering false accusations against the Federal Government and insinuating a doomsday scenario, he will garner support. What he doesn't realize is we understand what he is saying and we can all can see that it's plain and simple bullshit. I believe he is the only one that sees it that way and has convinced himself it is so. This is a bitter sick man who feels his power and control slipping away and deeply resents it, I don't know why he says what he does, but that is how I see it...
The governor wants three bills passed, at first it was the Budget and the Unpaid Holiday bills. Now he has added the gaming bill into the mix. Therefore he is now holding 400 govt. employees hostage to get his demands and force the hand to go his way. He probably could get the budget and unpaid holiday bills passed so the jobs wouldn't be lost, as before, when he demanded austerity Fridays. However, throwing the gaming bill into the fray will be a big problem for the Senate and it will be the reason the job losses will happen. They will call his bluff and the employees will be the losers. Lets not forget, the governor was extremely late in submitting the budget bill, so all the blame cannot be placed solely on the legislature, both are procrastinators and equally at fault.
Now how ironic is this, the majority of the people on the block aren't from Saipan. Affected positions include 111 jobs on Rota, 129 on Tinian, 47 on Saipan, and 67 within the Governor's Office, among others. You figure that out!
The gaming bill is a huge problem. There must be some big money and a lot of pressure to make him add it into this equation. This will be really tough and probably impossible to pass. Why he is risking everything on it now is a mystery to me, but there is something powerful behind it for him to do so. Do I smell papa Tan, the sound and serious investor, as they secretly describe it, as this moving force? I dunno. Just a guess, I can't think of anyone else who could twist the governors arm any harder.. What think ye?
The gaming bill is a huge problem. There must be some big money and a lot of pressure to make him add it into this equation. This will be really tough and probably impossible to pass. Why he is risking everything on it now is a mystery to me, but there is something powerful behind it for him to do so. Do I smell papa Tan, the sound and serious investor, as they secretly describe it, as this moving force? I dunno. Just a guess, I can't think of anyone else who could twist the governors arm any harder.. What think ye?
You know Glen, I think that La Fiesta would make a good location for gaming but with one, irrevocable condition; that every single poker shop on island is closed first before the project starts.
i agree... put all the gaming on island at La Fiesta... no local poker shops by the laundromats and convenient stores...
i disagree, this bill allows SOME gaming with a potential loop hole to introduce other types of gaming later. i think it is fucked up that the governor is holding them hostage... if you look at the numbers only 47 people on saipan will lose their jobs yet on rota and tinian there are over 100 people on the chopping block. hmmm what is better losing 100 or so votes for next year... or the islands gaming goes down the toilet... i guess we will see...
Good point haveialei, I've added the number of jobs and where they will be from to the post also..
Affected positions include 111 jobs on Rota, 129 on Tinian, 47 on Saipan, and 67 within the Governor's Office, among others.
Ive got to be anonymous but what ive heard is the the govs bro-in-law (lifoifoi) is heavily invested in the la fiesta group and so is the gov by proxy. hence the pressure to convince the legislature before jan 9 to pull the scam. check out what i say before you report it.
And where do I check what you say?
The point isn't the gaming. The recent SCA was a horrible horrible initiative. The people rightly voted it down.
The problem here is, it is happening right after a "gambling" initiative failed, it is being done outside of the initiative process, and it may put larger investments in jeopardy.
This is something that needs to go to the people. Write a well-thought out initiative and put it to a vote. If you put consolidation of the poker machines and limit it to the Fiesta. And leave out all of the racism, potential for abuse, creation of new financial agencies, and Bruce Bateman, etc...it may just pass.
Damn Lil that would be out of character for these guys to do something like what you're proposing, they don't need approval, they can do whatever they want. Just watch!
How about putting all the bars at Cowtown? How about putting all the karaoke whore houses up on Mt. Tapachau? You people think Poker is the root of all evil on Saipan but it's truly not. I would say Budweiser and pretty Filipino and Chinese girls have busted up more families on Saipan than all the poker machines combined.
I dont think so man... i am a teacher and kids regularly say how they wish the poker would close early or all together because it would keep parents home... namely theirs. Poker is a huge problem. where married men put their pricks is a problem too but it is not limited to here and you know that.
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