What is wrong with this group? Why are they running bullheaded against everything that is a positive improvement to the community? Aren't you getting tired of all the negative input? I must state this to the TTT...
The best defense is a good offense, this means, if you don't like something and you think it is not a good thing, come up with something better to replace it. You can't just gripe about everything and not offer a better alternative. You have placed the power company in jeopardy, and now you are coming up with these new negative approaches as follows...
In the news:
Kumho Investment a 'Breakthrough' for NMI Economy
TaoTao Tano against new development!
Kumho Asiana's $100-million resort development plan for LaoLao Bay Golf Resort was touted Friday as a breakthrough for the local economy. The local government and the business community believe Kumho Asiana will breathe new life into the CNMI's gasping economy.
The best defense is a good offense, this means, if you don't like something and you think it is not a good thing, come up with something better to replace it. You can't just gripe about everything and not offer a better alternative. You have placed the power company in jeopardy, and now you are coming up with these new negative approaches as follows...
In the news:
Kumho Investment a 'Breakthrough' for NMI Economy
TaoTao Tano against new development!
Kumho Asiana's $100-million resort development plan for LaoLao Bay Golf Resort was touted Friday as a breakthrough for the local economy. The local government and the business community believe Kumho Asiana will breathe new life into the CNMI's gasping economy.
However, the Taotao Tano citizen group did not seem too pleased by the Legislature's action. The organization wanted the Legislature to defer action on the lease until a public hearing had been held. “Let us not be fooled by the color of money, and deliver a [hasty] decision only to realize in the end that we made a mistake and the interest of the people is once again jeopardized.” said Taotao Tano president Gregorio Cruz Jr.
So just what is it you want here? Is it 2000 empty lots on dirt streets with partially built concrete slabs and rebar sticking out of them? Is this your vision of the Lao Lao bay area? If not tell us what it is you want...
More news:
TaoTao Tano Does Not Want Fluoride in Drinking Water
TAOTAO Tano CNMI Inc. is discouraging one of the island’s main water companies from producing fluoridated water, saying the compound “is toxic to human beings.” Taotao Tano president Gregorio Cruz said that after doing some research, they found that “fluoride contains lead, arsenic, radium and other toxic chemicals, which causes memory problems, neurological impairment, learning disorders, and hip fractures,”
Are these scientific facts or a nightmare of confusion?
Duh! That's all for this one...
So come up with some different approaches or alternative ideas and stop crying about everything if you don't understand how it works. If you don't have a new idea don't complain about the one presently offered....
So just what is it you want here? Is it 2000 empty lots on dirt streets with partially built concrete slabs and rebar sticking out of them? Is this your vision of the Lao Lao bay area? If not tell us what it is you want...
More news:
TAOTAO Tano CNMI Inc. is discouraging one of the island’s main water companies from producing fluoridated water, saying the compound “is toxic to human beings.” Taotao Tano president Gregorio Cruz said that after doing some research, they found that “fluoride contains lead, arsenic, radium and other toxic chemicals, which causes memory problems, neurological impairment, learning disorders, and hip fractures,”
Are these scientific facts or a nightmare of confusion?
Duh! That's all for this one...
So come up with some different approaches or alternative ideas and stop crying about everything if you don't understand how it works. If you don't have a new idea don't complain about the one presently offered....
Did I miss something? Are Taotao Tano members being forced to buy fluoridated water?
Stupid.... you miss something? never! you're the first in line to respond especially when you hear TTT. No wonder why you got a pic of a hanging face because you probably the idiot that supports fluoride in CNMI's water.....
The americans had no choice but to drink fluoridated tap water in the mainland that is why you all are loose up there.
Can you figure out who anon is ? I can. Check the english, and the attitude, sounds like an anonymous TTT writer. What say you?
we can't even provide potable running water and we are concerned over bottled water companies floridating their water?
glen hunter
This is apropo to Greg:
"He is a self-made man and worships his creator."
- John Bright
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