Wednesday, April 2, 2008


If they aren't playing a silly game with scheduling then they really are mixed up. What is the reasons for all this scheduling and rescheduling over and over again? Is it to confuse the public who may want to attend these hearings, to hide an agenda in a tangled web of misleading times and dates so that the public is lost in a maze of confusion? Why can't there be precise times, dates and schedules set, and then follow them?
Here is an example of the last few days of scheduled and rescheduled meetings...
PUBLIC NOTICE -- House Special Session tomorrow, Apr 2 @ 9am
Tue Apr 01, 2008
PUBLIC NOTICE -- Rescheduling announcements
Mon Mar 31, 2008
PUBLIC NOTICE -- Special Session on Apr 1; House JGO and PUTC (SNILD) mtgs moved
Sun Mar 30, 2008
PUBLIC NOTICE -- JGO Committee meeting moved to 3pm
Sun Mar 30, 2008
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT -- JGO committee meeting moved to1pm
Sun Mar 30, 2008
Is this a game of meeting dodgeball, so the public can't keep up with the fast track changes? If it isn't then what is it? Then it must be utter confusion and disarray in the house chambers, a group of dazed and confused legislators who can't keep the time of day.
In conclusion:
Either they don't have their shit together and want you to think they do, or they are lost and confused puppies, trying to hide their agenda from being witnessed by the public....
Come-on get your shit together!!!
Colleagues, I regularly receive complaints from citizens about the unreliability of the Legislature, and the lack of transparency in the way business is conducted here. Timely public notices are rarely, if ever, issued for sessions and meetings. Agendas are rarely, if ever, made available, and are constantly changed without notice. Meetings rarely, if ever, start on time, and are routinely rescheduled. Access to public records is limited, and the Legislature’s official Web site is not as informative as it could be, and sometimes unavailable. Sadly, I am often asked if we have adopted such practices deliberately, to discourage public involvement in the legislative process.
I respectfully request your support for....
House Resolution 16-9.


Lil' Hammerhead said...

They're trying to "keep us on our toes".

glend558 said...

We should keep them on the tip of our toes,,, the toes of our boots up their asses...

Lil' Hammerhead said...


Anonymous said...

More like they are trying to keep us in the dark (as if CUC is not doing a good job already).