Thursday, February 21, 2008


On the KSPN News at 6:00 tonight, the senate was complaining about not having any input into the new CNMI federalization bill. They passed a bill today to ask the federal government to have their input into the content of the bill. They feel they were left out in the cold and the bill was being 'rammed down their throats' without having any input or say about it. Now this may be a good idea, or would have been 6 months ago, before the hearings took place. Didn't the present senate president go and testify? Didn't he realize what was happening at the time? Why at that time didn't he speak up to join in, but no he went with the governor and babbled about how it would ruin the economy, just like all the rest of 'um did...
Well I have a few more questions....
Did they just now figure this out? Did they just find out now that a bill was in the making, and didn't they know it was for quiet some time? Have they just now discovered that they were left out of the decisions made to produce the bill? Well DUH?
Don't they know they have a one track minded idiot governor and his line was absolutely NO, NOT, or NEVER, we won't even discuss it, as we only have one thought and that is absolutely... NO TO FEDERALIZATION.
A blockheaded narrowminded view with no concessions or input, period! And they wonder why they were left out. Can you not understand what I have just explained, well if you can here's what I've been saying all along, at least participate in the drafting of the bill, make yourselves heard, join in instead of running bullheaded against the wind like the governor does. Say your piece, they'll listen.
Now you wake up,
maybe it's to late. Typical government workings, wait till the last minute, wait some more, then try to ram and knee-jerk everything into place, all at once, with little time for thought and reasoning...
Friggin fools... Thats all....

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