Monday, February 18, 2008


Happy President's Day everyone,
This is to announce that the following committees will be meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, February 19:
Federal and Foreign Relations -- 9am, Speaker's Conference Room to discuss goals and objectives for the committee
Ways and Means -- 1pm, House Chamber, to discuss the budget
Also, as a reminder, while we continue to push for the Legislature's official website, , to be reactivated, updated, and improved -- all introduced bills can can be downloaded at Floor Leader Rep. Joseph Camacho's website, .
A new poll has been added to the Floor Leader's website regarding land ownership in the CNMI, and everyone is encouraged to participate. This poll follows the public outreach efforts of the Humanities Council to collect articles related to land ownership in the CNMI and to encourage community dialogue on Article XII, and more recently, the introduction of an initiative in the House to extend leases of private land to persons not of Northern Marianas Descent to 75 years, and Rep. Joseph Camacho's latest letter to the editor on Article XII.
Thanks very much,
Tina Sablan
-- Tina Sablan.. House of Representatives.. 16th CNMI Legislature
PO Box 500586 Saipan, MP 96950
Tel: (670) 664-8931 Cel: (670) 483-3935
There you have it....

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