Wednesday, November 7, 2007



This to be followed with dead eye marksmanship and rapid fire training...

The question today is ..
What to do about the robberies of the local convenience markets?
The answer today is...
Give every
store a hidden guard armed with a automatic firing handgun, a box of ammo and train them how to shoot it! Whatta ya wanna bet this would put a definite halt to robbers armed with machetes robbing convenience stores? Take a machete to rob an armed and trained guard? Not a chance. That would be the same as taking a knife to a gun fight, won't work, never did, never will!
This would not have to be a full time, or a very long proposition.
All that is needed is the element of doubt, have the guard there three days a week, only don't say which three days they will be!
These thieves are simple minded numbnuts with a habit and should be eliminated. (That picture sure makes a statement, doesn't it? How would you like to look down that barrel?)


bigsoxfan said...

Now, the idea of a security guard in Saipan with a gun, would make anyone with half a nut stay home. Too bad, the half a nuts are the business.

Love today's entries to the right. How about a contest; identify the road sign origin? I've got some winners from here. The charlie brown/lucy is old, but still funny as shit.

Anonymous said...

Climax and High Point are somewhere in Michigan if I recall from my travels there a long time ago.

Bruce A. Bateman said...

I think there is a CLimax up in the Colorado mining country.

The gun idea great if it doesn't cause escalation. If the robbers start showing up with equivilent weaponry, then the purpose has been defeated. Shy of that, it should work like a champ.

glend558 said...

Gunbattles at High Noon at the local mini mart! I can see it now!

bigsoxfan said...

Here in UB, the security guards at the local version of home depot are packing heat and wearing body armor. Not at the banks though. Majority of the pd don't visibly carry however. Weird..

Pj said...

I agree with you in principal, but the reality of your suggestion scares me. I'm not against firearms, BUT....

Sending GSW's (Gun Shot Wounds) to the perpetually under staffed (Surgeons) under supplied (Blood) hospital would be taxing a system that already has its hands full.

GSW's can bleed like you can't imagine.
CHC isn't set up to deal with those kinds of casualties on a regular basis.

I wonder how much dye packs cost? Banks use them, why not stores too?

glend558 said...

We don't need to treat wounds, they will be dead, is the morgue overfilled?
Don't take all this so seriously.

bigsoxfan said...

Gun control is two to the chest and one to the head. That would elimate excess visits to the ER and wasteful blood transfusions.

Bruce A. Bateman said...

Post the "Robbers will be shot - survivors will be shot again" sign. Then back it up.

The dye paks are a good idea. Don't know if that is cost effective or not, PJ.