Wednesday, September 26, 2007


As I watched the 6:00 o'clock news tonight (9/26/07) several incumbent candidates were talking about the CUC problems and what they will do about it in the next two years if reelected... Now my question is this... What did you do in the last two years about it and what the hell makes you think you will solve the problem in the next two years if reelected?.... What makes you think we believe this shit?...There is no choice.... I must call "bullshit" on this one. Empty election bullshit again. Boy they sure had all the ideas tonight, ones that never will develop, ever. Throwing turds into the wind, crashing in air, and splatting on the ground, that's all I heard. Not anything new and a little too late... Why now ? Why do all these wonderful ideas appear just before elections? I'll bet this never happened before, that no one ever tried this baffling with bullshit scheme before, this is a first isn't it? You aren't familiar with election bullshit, are you? You never heard it did you? What the hell are they thinking? So citizens you have been informed on the possibility of bullshit happening, be alert and you will recognize it. Never let your bullshit guard down for there will be piles and piles of it everywhere! Go with the knowledge that you know, and that you are prepared...

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