Wednesday, September 19, 2007


It seems this governor just doesn't get it. He keeps completely ignoring the inevitable fact that federalization is coming. He has his head buried in the sand to the facts that this will happen. It will happen with him or without him, he chooses to not participate, so I guess its without him...
GOVERNOR Benigno R. Fitial is ready to return to the nation’s capital to continue lobbying against the passage of the CNMI federalization bills. “The governor is prepared to return to Washington, D.C. to provide more testimony and attend more hearings or meetings, if necessary,” Reyes said. The administration has hired a lobbyist in Washington, D.C. to block the passage of the federalization measures. The Whole Story
This man simply can't see through simple shit, I don't know what good he thinks he will do by going to D.C. and showcasing his ignorance. There's the Washington Rep. Pete A., some expensive suck up the money lobbyists and now the trip to never never land by the governor. What a friggin waste! Just remember the few who elected him, sure hope they are happy now.


SteeleOnSaipan said...

The gov if fighting for his livelihood Glen, you know that. Taking away immigration is taking away his golden goose, his ability to suck kickbacks from "investors" with the force of an industrial Hoover.

glend558 said...

Yes I guess so. The retirement fund is going away, so whats left?