Monday, July 30, 2007


THERE ARE SOME POLLS AND CONTESTS SWIRLING AROUND THESE BLOG SPOTS AS OF LATE. The contests seem to be for..... (1) The sexiest male Saipan blogger and (2) the best blogger and blog. But it seems , as in the CNMI government elections, the same people are always the only ones nominated, with no place for "write-ins" or "other" choices. This I think is very unfair and undemocratic as some other people may have different ideas for the nominee's in these popular opinion polls. So I'm going to step out of the prefixed ballot and make some "other" picks from outside the box.
For the sexiest male blogger, I will choose the Boogie Man. The boogie man has hair, is tall, dark and handsome, has a nice smile, sexy green eyes and in general is not egotistical.
For the best blogger and blog, I will choose the Fartie. The fartie is always well known and his presence is always endearing, he has hair, has deep content and substance, maintains a special "air" around him and all his materials are such a "gas."
Therefore my votes go for the above.
I now rest my case. .......GED......

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