Sunday, May 27, 2007


Hillary Tours Home: Bill and Hillary Clinton are driving in the country near Hillary's hometown. They are low on fuel, so Bill stops at a gas station. The man at the gas station comes out and looks into the window. "Hey, Hillary! We used to date in high school, do you remember me?" he asks. They talk merrily for a few minutes. Bill pays, and they leave. As they drive, Bill is feeling very proud of himself and looks over at Hillary. "You used to date that guy? Just think what life would be if you hadn't married me," he says. Hillary looks at Bill and says to him, "Well, I guess you'd be pumping gas and he'd be President" ...........
Hillary Clinton goes to a psychic who tells her: "Prepare yourself for widowhood ... Your husband is about to die a violent death. "Mrs. Clinton takes a deep breath and replies: "Will I be acquitted?.........
What's Bill Clinton's idea of safe sex? When Hillary is out of town.........
Why does Hillary want to have sex with Bill Clinton first thing in the morning? She wants to be the first lady..........
Hillary Clinton went in for her yearly checkup. When she was finished, she asked her gynecologist how things looked. He said he was pleased and that she is in great
shape but, that she was pregnant! "There is no way!" she told the doctor. The doctor said that she was most definitely a month pregnant. Well, Hillary stormed out of the office and went to the receptionist and took the phone and called the white house. When the operator answered, she said that it was Hillary and that she wanted to talk to Bill right away. They rang the oval office and Bill answered. Hillary said: "Do you know what you did you rotten bastard? You got me pregnant!" The President remained silent. Again, Hillary screamed, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID, YOU ROTTEN BASTARD? YOU GOT ME PREGNANT!!!" Finally Bill answered... "Who is this?" ........ A little bit of fun with Hillary, Have an amusing day. ....GED.....

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