Thursday, March 27, 2008


It's kid games and crybabies.
No wonder nothing gets done, how can you pass a budget, fix CUC and take care of business when you are fighting over really important things like coolers.
Check this shit out... Story Here
During Wednesday’s session, Benavente saw Torres, R-Saipan, using a blue drink cooler with the inscription “HD 2009.”
Speaker Arnold I. Palacios, R-Saipan, asked the House sergeant-at-arms to take away the blue cooler, but Torres turned it inside out to hide the “HD 2009” logo.
During yesterday’s session, Torres again displayed his “HD 2009” cooler which irritated Benavente, who described his colleague’s behavior as childish.
Now gentlemen I don't mean to sound trivial but I have a solution... Get back to work, throw Stanley TLC* out on his dumb ass until he complies with the rules, you won't miss him anyway, and then do your jobs. See how easy that problem was to solve, do you need more advice?
Send me an e-mail if you have any other serious problems you may need help with, I'll see what I can do about it for you...
Maybe I can help solve the problem you are bickering about, for the venue of the "we're still broke" message to be delivered by the governor. Never mind the bullshit message, just forgetabouttit. We don't need it anyway. We already know we're broke, does he need to rub it in? He has no solutions. Besides, who cares anyway?
*The Loose Cannon


Bruce A. Bateman said...

Is it against the house rules to display a Heintz and Dave beverage insulator?


Sadly, glen, you are probably right about the "we're still broke" message, but since it is constitutionally mandated that we get an annual update on the state of the commonwealth, we should at least listen to see if any new solutions are offered or if it is to be the same old stuff.

Lil' Hammerhead said...

I don't think "the ole coots" behavior helps out Heinz or Dave any.

It is against the rules to display campaign paraphenalia in the Chamber.

glend558 said...

Bruce, it is.. Isn't a budget mandated too? They don't seem to follow that rule. Have you heard the new 'solution'? Yup, it is re-elect Ben and Tim, everything will be 'better' the next time. Guess that falls under 'same old stuff.'

Anonymous said...

I don't know how Rep Stanley Torres's recent childish action has to do with Heinz and Dave's electability... Let's focus at the culprit (Rep. Torres) people and not try to spin this into something it is not!

It's no wonder why people living in the NMI can't solve our own problems. They have a hard time focusing and sticking to the issues.