A Congressman has seem the light and the dangers involved. See Post MC59
Tuesday, June 17, 2008... Story Here...
Bill Eyes Ban on Roadside Solicitations
Soliciting donations along the roads and at intersections will banned if a bill passes into law. A measure before the Legislature proposes to prohibit solicitations within 25 feet of the center line of any public highway in the Commonwealth. The proponents of the bill said the ban is reasonable because it will ensure the safety of the solicitors and the motorists.
Good work Joe Camacho, you just have saved someones life. I know it looks harmless and it has been the norm for many years but the traffic is now heavier and faster and with power outages and lights not working at times it has become an accident waiting to happen. It's much better never knowing what 'might' have happened and to know you have prevented a terrible accident, then to wish "if only I had done something sooner."
Thank you Joe....
Finally. Yay! I think someone was reading your blog Glen.
Like this is a high priority as the lights go off and the economy slips below the Depression threshold. New street names anyone?
Passing a simple law that will ban the stupidity of children running around the medians.. should take no time at all, and is well worth it. That is, if you are for some common sense measures to ensure a child isn't run over by a vehicle in some horrible and easily preventable accident.
But then.. you are on a roll this week with your "beat the children up" campaign aren't you.
It was traumatized contract workers, than the animals.. now the children? Telling.
Maybe we could trade a coupl'a kids for some #2 diesel.
Should it take a law to keep kids from solicting in the streets? No, just a little COMMON SENSE (insert obligatory tribute to Ambrose B. here). It's one thing to have kids on the sidewalk attracting business to a fundraiser carwash, but quite another to put the kids in the middle of a busy (somewhat, unregulated) intersection to gather money for what is often a political cause.
I have to side with Bruce on this one. Keep the kids on the beach side of Beach Road, while you and Mom stand out in the traffic and sun. It shouldn't take a court order to achieve that.
If this bill passes does it also mean that we won't be harassed during elections with all the supporters edging their way into traffic at intersections with their signs and shouting slowing down traffic to a crawl?
(How's THAT for a run-on sentence?)
The sad thing is they had to pass a bill like this to keep the kids from being endangered. I would never allow my kids on those small islands that are inches away from cars, no matter what cause they are begging for. Panhandling is panhandling.
I applaud and strongly support this bill. Congressman Joe, good on ya!
It should be common sense, but it obviously isn't.
Hopefully the legislators can walk and chew gum. This shouldn't affect other legislation.
I'd suggest tripling the penalty for parents standing there having their kids do the Oliver Twist.
Knucklehead: What is 'telling', nimrod, is your constant desire to see a nanny government control every facet of life. It 'speaks volumes' about your agenda. Speaking of beating up children, knucklehead, yours were traumatized since birth just being subjected to your presence. How often did you beat them, you cowardly scum?
This is not the pervue of the legislature. This is just feel-good fill-in-the-time-gap legislation. If a safety law is being violated, then DPS has ample jurisdiction under a number of already existing statutes.
This is an issue for parents to decide not dipshit knucklehead and his cattle prod tactics.
Pitiful, Joe. First you waste time on the lobbying bill, now this. I thought you were ‘not just empty promises, but hard work’. This is make-work…no more.
Bruce...Excellent points and I agree. I also resent calling them beggars. I think that there is a more appropriate choice of word in Webster.
Not just empty promises, just Bud Light.
Uncle Joe did a good thing you assholes. Bruce, what the fuck you want, a child to die? It is obvius the parents don't give a shits about their kids when they send them out on the streets like that. So are you saying fuck seatbelt laws and drinking and driving law? Bet you would like that so you could get more customer. Stop picking on my Uncle Joe! You give love a bad name!
If beggar is too rude, how about roadkill?
You're on a roll Porks! What next.. people with disabilities? :}
No, knucklehead, unpeople without the balls to disclose just who they are and just who pays them to drizzel their drivel are next.
You mean you're going to disclose all of the details behind your work to promote the SCA!?
As usual, slime ball, your mental acuity fails you. If you can remember back that far, I openly backed the Saipan Casino Act and would do so again today.
You were the one that hid your identity to keep folks from finding that you were being paid by the Tinian Dynasty and the Bridge group to try and maintain their gambling monopoly on Tinian. You hide it to this day because you fear exposure.
You are a fucking coward, knucklehead.
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